Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Holy Perfect Runoff, Batman!!!

Well, gang, on the eve of it all, even though intermittently rainy skies
unsuccessfully attempt to dampen our optimism, with the arrival of the
Wonderful Ones now just 72 (count 'em!) hours away, take a look at the
attached, updated to the moment flow chart showing that our benchmark river
is now flowing at an optimal 1,650 cubic feet per second. Remember months
ago when I said that if we could get somewhere near the 1500 cfs, well we
are right in that window and, in a word, the rivers are "perfecting"--how
about that for legalistic fishingese?!?

Attached are shots taken yesterday both of our spiffy Blackfoot House (which
each group will visit post its Opening Day's Welcome Lunch at the Montana
Club) and of the Blackfoot River which, as you can see, is nicely "greening
up" from its last week's brownish (unfishable) tinge.

We are in for one heck of a ride, gang--so, strap it on, bring your game
faces with you and expect nothing short of fantastic fishing on some of
Montana's most famous and pristine rivers, right on target post runoff.

Indeed, Robin, "Holy Perfect Runoff!!"


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