Tuesday, May 1, 2012

FW: 45 Days and Counting Towards Timelessness!!


A wonderful add-on by Group Three’s Montana Wildlife Federation Tim “Four More Years” Aldrich (further showing why Montana Matters – see  www.montanamatters.com ):


 A couple years ago I gave an older woman a ride to her home after a meeting, and she gave me a small piece of paper with the Prayer for Montana.  I think it goes well with this beautiful piece of poetry and I will share it.  The woman's name is Anna Marie


Prayer for Montana


I place in your loving hands the beautiful state of Montana that you gave to us.  Help us to heal and protect the air, the earth, the water--especially in the wilderness and forest areas.  Turn the hearts of those who would despoil it for their own ends through greed, ignorance, lack of vision.  Turn their hearts so they, too, may become warriors for our Earth Mother and help us to preserve, protect and maintain that which is pristine, and heal, repair and restore that which is damaged.  I ask for the Divine Attainment and Divine Fulfillment of this request; and I am grateful.  Amen


I keep a framed copy of this prayer in my office and frequently stop to savor the values that underlie the words.  I think I'll find a place for Trout Fishing as well.  Thanks.  Tim


Thanks for all that you do for our Montana, Tim!!



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