As we have done in prior years, you already have a running chronicle of E-12 events at here, your very own blogsite.. If you have not already done so, please mark this as one of your favorites and, on a frequent basis, check it for updates and E-12 news bulletins for, as the blessed day of the arrival of the Wonderful Ones approaches [and that is now exactly 24 days away—yikes!!], emails from me to thee will be (blessedly) fewer and further between and all of our announcements and updates will be via Der Blog.
Your Blog is also a fertile source of information: Not only is there a link to our E-08 movie and to that international singing hit, Ode To Rock Creek Ron, but Der Blog also provides you with a Missoula weather button (so you can take a look at the weather forecast—with the dual notes that (i) being a MT weather forecaster is the only job where you can be wrong 100% of the time and still be employed and (ii) MT has a plethora of micro-climates such that, at the same moment, it can be 90 degrees and sunny at one end of a valley and 40 degrees and hailing at the other); with an updated copy of the Discharge Chart; a link to the Rock Creek Mercantile with its daily fishing reports; and with a link to our Double Up Outfitter site with its daily river log and reports.
Also, on the bottom right hand side of Der Blog (just below the index of prior postings) there is a counter of visitors to the site and, as here, we award wine prizes to those who hit certain visitation milestones. By way of example, if you are Visitor #175 just print off that page on your printer, email it to me at headquarters and you will be the proud recipient of a (rare) bottle of 2002 Rock Creek Red—rated by the USA Today wine editor/critic as one of the finest bottles of cab that he has ever tasted.
So, Blog on gang—right now the counter reads #159, so that 175 number is right at your fingertips!!
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